Sunday, November 14, 2010

Progress Report on Final Project (Project #16)

For Project 16, I will be working on a team with the current members of my Project 15 group, plus two more members:

Amani Alloul
Amanda Brewton
Sarah Davis
Samantha Deardorff

Tara Watson
May Krasovich

While working on Project 15, we have discussed possible ideas for Project 16. It seems as though it is a bunch of ideas floating around that we just need to get a hold of. I think it would be ideal if we could find a way to draw something from all of our ideas to form one BIG idea that is sure to be fun and innovative. Since we are having so much fun creating our movie trailers for books (Project 15), it's been discussed that it may be fun to create another movie or video of some sort for the final project.

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