Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blog Assignment 8

Richard Miller: This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2

Overall, I really liked this video. That's one of the things I like about this class: we don't simply read chapters and regurgitate what we read...we can actually watch a Youtube (or some other type) video, and learn part of our lesson from there. I like how it's a different spin on getting the point across. I thought this video was very creative, and I love how Richard Miller combined various elements in his video. I especially liked the green idea for the building! Anything that is environmentally-aware is alright by me!

As for multimedia projects and if I'm ready to do one or not...I think that I would really enjoy doing a project like this one or some other type of multimedia project. The idea of putting audio, video, text, pictures, etc., together to make a completed project sounds like a lot of fun to me! By doing this, you can reach out to visual learners as well as the ones who learn by listening. Plus, it gives a whole dynamic feeling to your project. Literally.

As for my future classroom, I think multimedia projects are a great idea! I think it could be really fun for the students to do a project like this, especially if they're interested in the topic. For instance, I remember in the 4th grade, my class and I were assigned to do a sort of "Me" project. I believe it was called "My Life" or something like that. We were only required to include photos and text, but think of how much more in-depth and creative it could be if audio and/or video could have been included! Who doesn't want to show a clip of a video where they're singing to the camera as a 4-year old? Anyways, I think multimedia projects like this are a lot easier to do now then 10 years ago, and I would love to implement this idea in my future classroom.

The Chipper Series and EDM 310 For Dummies

I really liked The Chipper Series because I think that it spoke to a lot of students in EDM 310. This class isn't the only one that students may procrastinate in, but I'm sure it's in the top 10! What this video says to me is that you have to be serious about your education. College is supposed to be fun, yes. College is a place where you meet some lifelong friends who you want to spend your time with, yes. College is a place to broaden your horizons and become involved with clubs, sports, or whatever your interests may be, yes. But, college is also a place for learning in the academic sense. It isn't good to keep blowing off homework or projects because you're going to concerts or hanging out with friends. We are here to become TEACHERS. Let's act like it.

In EDM 310 for Dummies, we see a typical example of how EDM 310 students may feel at the beginning of the semester. A lot of us were really frustrated and confused. All it takes, though, is using your noggin to figure it out. You can either do this on your own, or ask help from one of the lab associates. Basically, it's a no-brainer! I really liked the humor in this video, as well.

For a possible future video project, I'd like to do a "How To" video for students. I don't know if it would necessarily focus on EDM 310, but I think making a video like this could be really fun and a nice way to be creative.

SmartBoards: Yes? No?

Michael Staton and Bill Ferriter's critiques of Smart boards were both very negative. They can't see the value of the boards, and are very reluctant to put them in the classroom. One of their reasons for disliking Smart boards is that they are too expensive. I agree, the boards aren't for the frugal investor; however, if these boards are put to good use (meaning that the teacher access proper training for the Smart board and then use it effectively in the classroom), I think it could show some very positive results with the children.

I found a blog that's "Pro-SmartBoard", if you will. This educator can definitely see the possible benefits of a SmartBoard. Like me, she agrees that they are on the expensive side. However, she believes that the cost and benefits can equal out if the teacher only utilizes the Board properly and really makes it a part of the lesson.